commands that are used for SapphireKoTH
/koth create <name> | create a new KoTH event
/koth delete <name> | delete a Already created KoTH event
/koth claim <name> | start claiming cap zone for the KoTH event
/koth setcolor <name> <string> | set color that is used in %sapphirekoth_color%
/koth setcaptime <name> <number> | changes the Captime of the KoTH
/koth cmd <name> <delete/list/add> [<command / id>] | use this to edit the commands that are played after someone captured the event.
How to use /koth cmd?
/koth cmd <name> add <command> | add a command to the list
Example: /koth cmd TestKoth add crate give %player% koth
/koth cmd <name> delete <id> | delete a command from the list
Example: /koth cmd TestKoth delete 0
/koth cmd <name> list | see a list of commands that are added!
Last updated